Monday, January 18, 2010

Wearing Furisode at Hatsugama-New Year's Tea Ceremony!

On 16th, I attended Hatsugama at Sado-Kaikan in Takadanobaba.
Hatsugama means New Year's Tea Ceremony.

I wore Furisode, the special kimono with long sleeves for occasions.
(I'm on the left side in the picture and the next beautiful woman is Noriko-san.)

Only the single women can wear Furisode.
Furisode is the kind of simbol of the young "unmarried" women.

I love wearing Furisode, because it's just so beautiful!!!

I want to keep wearing it until the time I won't be allowed to do it.

But, when it comes....???
...... I don't know.
Only the god knows, I can say...^^
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